Women's Bean Project Charity

Real Work. Real Food. Real Promise.™

The mission of Women’s Bean Project is to change women’s lives by providing stepping stones to self-sufficiency through social enterprise.

Founded in 1989, Women’s Bean Project is an anomaly in the business world. It is a business, one that packages and sells bean soup mixes, baking mixes and other dry food products to stores across the U.S. and online. But tucked inside this business is a human services organization designed to provide a safe and accepting work environment where impoverished women can learn the skills required for gainful employment. 

They are convicted felons, recovering addicts, victims of domestic violence. Many were teenage mothers and high school drop outs. They come to us for a chance to create new lives out of the rubble theirs have become – and they do it in just six to nine months. That we train women to become great workers only so they can leave us and become great workers for other employers is remarkable and challenging.
That the women transform their lives in such a short amount of time is inspiring and incredible to witness.
“I am a mother of two grown sons and a woman who has overcome long-term incarceration and wanted to find some stability and resources that would help me become self-sufficient. Because of the Bean Project, I have stability and accountability to myself and feel a sense of accomplishment coming to work every day.” ~Kelley, Program Graduate


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