Mark You Calendars!

Come see us at
 HomeTown Holiday & Winter Market
on December 1st, 2017 from 4:30pm-7:30pm
at Town Center South 

Searching for a hometown feeling holiday celebration, where friends and neighbors share the spirit of the season? HRCA proudly presents Hometown Holiday! Feel the welcoming warmth of our community at this celebration extravaganza that has become a holiday tradition. The Tree Lighting is at 5:00 p.m.
Admission is free to this old fashioned celebration which offers an inspiring, delightful, and whimsical time for any and all! This is a winter wonderland of fun-filled festivities including caroling, entertainment, food, and even Santa himself! The Winter Market provides you with a chance to shop for unique food or gift items while enjoying the holiday festivities. Santa leaves at 7:30 p.m., so don't be late


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